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Commercial Filming/Photography Policy

It is the policy of Saint Louis University that all filming, videotaping and still photography on campus for commercial purposes be approved in advance by the assistant vice president for University communications or designee. This policy does not apply to taping, filming or photography by news media.

To assure that the University's image and traditions are treated appropriately in these situations, the following requirements must be met:

  • The requestor shall submit a written request to use Saint Louis University venues.
  • The written request shall include the following information:
  • The name and affiliations of the requesting organization.
  • The name and affiliations of the manufacturer of any product or the provider of any service for which a commercial or other film or video production is proposed using Saint Louis University campus facilities or outdoor areas.
  • A description of the product or service that will be featured in the tape or film to be produced using Saint Louis University campus facilities or outdoor areas.
  • A copy of the shooting script that will be used in the production.
  • A listing of the Saint Louis University locations proposed to be used in the production.
  • The name and contact information for the person who will be responsible for the proposed film or video shoot on the Saint Louis University campus.

The above information should be received by the Saint Louis University marketing and communications office 10 working days before the proposed production. The following regulations apply to all such taping/filming:

  • No productions will be allowed which advertise or promote products, services or programs that are inconsistent with the values and traditions of 博彩网址大全.
  • No productions will be allowed which contain visual images or dialog or voice-over inconsistent with the values and traditions of a 博彩网址大全.
  • No students or employees of the University can be used in such productions unless written consent from each individual so used is obtained before the fact of such use.
  • No production can interfere with the normal operations of the University. Any taping, filming or other production can be suspended without notice in the event of an emergency (e.g. fire, bomb threat, disturbance) at or near the production location. Such determination would be made by the University's department of public safety.
  • A certificate of liability insurance, satisfactory to the University's risk management office, must be provided at least seven (7) working days prior to the actual production.
  • University public safety officers must accompany the production crew while on campus and will be billed to the production company at the current hourly rate for DPS officers.
  • No University property can be relocated or otherwise disturbed to accommodate such productions.
  • Any damage to University property caused by the activities of the production company shall be paid for by the production company upon presentation of a detailed invoice from the University.
  • The production will not use the University's name, nicknames, logos or symbols, nor will any of its buildings be used in the production without prior written consent.

All requests for production shall be managed though the University division of marketing and communications, and shall be made 10 days prior to the proposed project. The division shall coordinate all production activities with all University units directly affected by such productions.

No production activity can begin until a standard Agreement for Filming, Videotaping, and Still Photography for Commercial or Entertainment Purposes at Saint Louis University has been executed by the University and the individual/company responsible for the production for which approval has been requested.

Contact Clayton Berry, Saint Louis University assistant vice president for strategy and communications, for more information.